Monday 23 April 2012


I'm starting to have this overwhelming sense of guilt about my blog. Hence the reason why I haven't been blogging of late. I just don't understand why I need to impose my opinions and at times, my bullshit on others? Why should my opinion count? And the more and more I write, the more I feel that I am morphing or perhaps have already morphed into a stereotypical pseudo-intellectual. Someone of a VERY average intelligence who enjoys engaging in supposedly philosophical topics or 'deep' matters in order to feel superior over the common or straw man. I certainly don't mean to be one and perhaps I'm revealing a lot of my insecurities by writing about this. But I would hate to think that I am not genuinely interested in things that I have put up on this blogor attempt to feel superior to other people. I always strive to know more and to question the status quo because I enjoy challenging things and expanding my knowledge. I don't have the answers and if I do offer an opinion on something, it's because I feel quite strongly about it and you DO have to have your own opinion generally. But I don't know. I'm losing my way. It's sad. Perhaps I need to care less. I don't know.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Eating orange peels and contemplating the meaning of life. Goodness, I've already become an old bat.

Sunday 8 April 2012

I'm so tempted to get myself all pierced-up. Well not to that extent (picture to the left) of course but I'd definitely like an eyebrow and nose piercing and a row of others on my left ear. I've always loved the look. The only issue is my bloody degree. A highly pierced-up lawyer aint gonna be getting a lot of cases or a mere internship to start with. Plus, I'd also like tattoos which will definitely see me get zero work. I think I'll probably end up with the piercings though. And the tattoos. I'm at that stage in my life where I don't give two flying cows. A very delayed phase of rebellion if you will :P

It feels good. Laters :)

Saturday 7 April 2012

Gramatical Erors (thought I'd be clever there)

I'm a stickler for grammar. I am in love with grammatical correctness. It makes my day when I read an article - electronic or hardcopy - that is free of comma splices, split infinitives, malaproprisms and the like. I also happen to go gaga over a guy that is incredibly articulate and is able to tranpose that eloquence in a Facebook status, an e-mail, a bbm or any other kind of social or internet-related medium.

Well, now that I've started every sentence of that short paragraph with the word 'I', I'll get onto more important matters. Me, that is. Haha! Could not resist doing that. But yes, I've started to notice that I am succumbing to the same errors as most mere mortals. Grammatical errors that is. I don't mean to be condescending but truth is, most people do not pay heed to grammar the way that I do. Often, they do not even bother to know the difference between you're and your. A mistake or an arrogance rather that is most commonly displayed on Twitter. Then there's the death of the full-stop or period and its replacement with the comma. Something that I find, is akin to the replacement of characters in soapies: bizarre, random and unexplained. I have zero idea why people find it sexy to use commas all over the place. It looks so clumsy and more importantly, reads foolishly in speech because it is not possible to take so many breaths when uttering something. It would sound like one is being suffocated by a polar bear.

I don't want to rant on because by my own admission, I'm already sounding like a pretentious prat. What I really wanted to rant on about was MY errors on this blog. I've noticed that I'm making so many grammatical mistakes which really does not sit well with me because like it or not, most people see grammar as a reflection of intelligence. And if this blog is anything to go by, I am an INCREDULOUS IMBECILE (bet you that didn't even make sense). Moreover, I'm so guilty of pretentiousness in my pathetic desire to sound eloquent. I'm sometimes ashamed of the crap that I've written on this blog. I know that we're human and in my case, I'm all too human in that I get tired from working and do not bother with spell-check but it's still unacceptable. On Twitter, I'm the first to grill the wannabe-hippies and hipsters over their grammar and general ignorance when they attempt (bless them) to tweet about something other than vintage clothing and Bon Iver. It's wrong and I'm genuinely sorry. The dig at the hippies and hipsters might have detracted from the sincerity of my apology but I apologise for my laziness.

So from now on, I will do what I normally do but at thrice the ferocity. I will spell-check and google words and phrases of which I am unsure. I will stay away from malaproprisms and sinful syntax. I will try my utmost best not to sound too pretentious because I hate that in people. I'm just going to try to do better than good enough.

Peace and love and all the good things that will always elude humanity :)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Get The Skinny

I've become one of those people I absolutely dread. The ones I swore to myself I'd never become. The ones...yeah, I think I'll stop right there with the repetition and I'll set the scene for you. You're in Starbucks, Costa or wherever you get your coffee. Frankly, if you aint getting your coffee from these two places then I don't think you're drinking coffee at all then! Kidding. Failed attempt at humour aside, you're at a coffee shop or cafe and the line is typically long. People making thought-out decisions about what they want while waiting and the speed at which orders are taken is quick as a result thereof. However, the effective system is tampered with. In fact, it's broken to such an extent that it becomes irrecoverable. The break in the cycle comes in the form of the people who despite being acutely aware of the long line, still choose to take a lifetime describing all the things they want or in this case, don't want in their coffee. Taste and sheer deliciousness to you and me but sugar and the calories that derive therefrom, to them. Not only do they drain time with their pleasure-drained orders but they also happen to annoy the rest of the customers with their anxiety over whether the person behind the till got their order right.

Bleh bloody bleh.

And amazingly, I've become one of those people. For the past three months, I've been consuming skinny this, skinny that and soya this, soya that. It's an abomination. I've grown accustomed to hearing the moans and groans that arise when I make my specific and special order. I'm trying to be healthy I say! Skinny even, as most of the beverages I drink will tell you. The sad part is, I don't see myself stopping because as far as Starbucks and Costa goes, these skinny versions taste quite nice. Bizarre for something that's allegedly healthy. I'll probably stop my ways soon. When I see a tabloid picture of the Olsen twins in all their skinny jeans, boho bed-linen and skinny-soya-decaf-latte-extra shot of caffeine glory. I love me some pretentiousness but not to the extent that would see me attempt to emulate the kids that starred in 'Full House' or 'Passport to Paris'. My aspirations can't possibly be that high.

Cheerio :)

Monday 2 April 2012

Techno Is Dead

Saturday night made me realise just how much I despise techno/dance music. It's robbed us of the talent of amazing artists and yes, many of whom have 'sold out' if you like and decided to go the club route in order to cash-in on the craze. However, this fade has compromised a generation of hearing some decent voices. Our radios are inundated with formulaic tracks which are lyrically lacking and vocally vapid. Someone like Adele, who is indeed very talented and arguably one of the best voices of our generation, has become something of an enigma because frankly, she just sings. In this day and age, you can't JUST sing. You must do more. You must entertain (and not in the Michael Jackson 'Bad' concert kind-of-way). In order for a female artist to have commercial success, she needn't sing or sing that well at least. She needs to have a certain look, she needs to be half-naked half the time (which eliminates the first requirement), she needs to have a dance track and she needs to appear eccentric. The list is endless but those are just the basic few requirements.

I really can't wait for this craze to end! I've had it with these tuneless tracks that do nothing but give me a headache and leave my limbs in limbo because of their ridiculously fast beats to which no man can dance - properly that is.

Prey v Predator (a frivolous post)

I have always considered myself a guy's girl. Despite my feminist ways, I truly feel at home with the opposite sex as I find that they are a lot less judgmental than females. Plus, I genuinely enjoy their company. I have female friends but owing to previous experiences, I prefer to have a couple of very close female friends. It's nothing personal. It's just a preference. And perhaps my having a lot of male friends has resulted in my vigilant approach to dating. I'm cautiously careful in this department; some may even call it prudent. However, I maintain that my long-acquired insight into the male psyche means that it would be foolish of me to enter any sort of male-female arrangement without taking a couple of things into consideration. My friends have told me that I need to stop being so Victorian and live my life. Fair enough. But I hold that because I spend so much time with boys, I know all the tricks and trade of the game; or their game rather. In order to give you an idea of my approach, I shall list a couple of things that girls should take into consideration before hooking up with a guy.

1) If you guys made-out in a club and you're under the impression that a relationship will blossom therefrom, not so much hey. The thing is, if you hooked up with him towards the end or during the middle of the night, you were probably one of the last girls on his hit-list. Chances are the 'hot chicks' gave him bat and as soon as his beer goggles were in full-operation, he chose you. Shitty thought but my market research shows that this is almost always the case. May not be for everyone though.

2) You may call it a 'fling' or 'a thing' but if he's the only man in your life then you and I know very well that you think it's a relationship. Or you're behaving as if it is. His Facebook account may not be entirely active and people or girls in this case, may not write on his wall that often but do not raise your hopes of a relationship just yet. Chances are he knows that you're falling for him and to keep you on his leash, he is making as if you're the only girl in his life. He's doing the same thing to the many girls with whom he is having a fling. Guys will go to any means whatsoever to ensure that they keep the ladies in their lives. Oh and do not think you can climax your way to a relationship. You know what I mean by that (crude and I'm sorry).

3) If you receive a text/bbm/tweet/Facebook inbox/call at any time or more specifically in the wee hours of the morning saying 'I miss you', don't be fooled. He could have done this from the bedside of the girl with whom he had a one-night stand and it may have been awful; hence his reason for contacting you. Be savvy girls. Before you respond 'I miss you too', know very well that guys will sell you a dream in order to get in your pants or to keep you on a leash. Don't buy it!

4) Don't be so quick to show interest ladies. You may think that a guy will leave you if you don't and even if he does, he was not worth a nanosecond of your time. Surprisingly, guys like a challenge and you're most likely to keep your guy close if you make him work. There are far too many easy (and in many cases naive) girls out there. I know it sounds cheesy but know your worth and have some pride in yourself. You do not need to throw yourself at a guy in order to get him to date you.

5) Be truthful. Even if it could get you hurt. You won't have any regrets about it. But be tactful about everything you do. Unfortunately, most guys are still boys at heart and enjoy their toys and games. You have to keep your emotions in-check at all times. Be alert and be on your guard. I hate having to write this but I've seen far too many friends of mine and 'girlfriends' of my male mates get badly hurt.

PS: I haven't been hurt by a guy before. I'm just sharing my observations from watching what my male friends do.

Here's to no more casualties girls!
