Monday 2 April 2012

Prey v Predator (a frivolous post)

I have always considered myself a guy's girl. Despite my feminist ways, I truly feel at home with the opposite sex as I find that they are a lot less judgmental than females. Plus, I genuinely enjoy their company. I have female friends but owing to previous experiences, I prefer to have a couple of very close female friends. It's nothing personal. It's just a preference. And perhaps my having a lot of male friends has resulted in my vigilant approach to dating. I'm cautiously careful in this department; some may even call it prudent. However, I maintain that my long-acquired insight into the male psyche means that it would be foolish of me to enter any sort of male-female arrangement without taking a couple of things into consideration. My friends have told me that I need to stop being so Victorian and live my life. Fair enough. But I hold that because I spend so much time with boys, I know all the tricks and trade of the game; or their game rather. In order to give you an idea of my approach, I shall list a couple of things that girls should take into consideration before hooking up with a guy.

1) If you guys made-out in a club and you're under the impression that a relationship will blossom therefrom, not so much hey. The thing is, if you hooked up with him towards the end or during the middle of the night, you were probably one of the last girls on his hit-list. Chances are the 'hot chicks' gave him bat and as soon as his beer goggles were in full-operation, he chose you. Shitty thought but my market research shows that this is almost always the case. May not be for everyone though.

2) You may call it a 'fling' or 'a thing' but if he's the only man in your life then you and I know very well that you think it's a relationship. Or you're behaving as if it is. His Facebook account may not be entirely active and people or girls in this case, may not write on his wall that often but do not raise your hopes of a relationship just yet. Chances are he knows that you're falling for him and to keep you on his leash, he is making as if you're the only girl in his life. He's doing the same thing to the many girls with whom he is having a fling. Guys will go to any means whatsoever to ensure that they keep the ladies in their lives. Oh and do not think you can climax your way to a relationship. You know what I mean by that (crude and I'm sorry).

3) If you receive a text/bbm/tweet/Facebook inbox/call at any time or more specifically in the wee hours of the morning saying 'I miss you', don't be fooled. He could have done this from the bedside of the girl with whom he had a one-night stand and it may have been awful; hence his reason for contacting you. Be savvy girls. Before you respond 'I miss you too', know very well that guys will sell you a dream in order to get in your pants or to keep you on a leash. Don't buy it!

4) Don't be so quick to show interest ladies. You may think that a guy will leave you if you don't and even if he does, he was not worth a nanosecond of your time. Surprisingly, guys like a challenge and you're most likely to keep your guy close if you make him work. There are far too many easy (and in many cases naive) girls out there. I know it sounds cheesy but know your worth and have some pride in yourself. You do not need to throw yourself at a guy in order to get him to date you.

5) Be truthful. Even if it could get you hurt. You won't have any regrets about it. But be tactful about everything you do. Unfortunately, most guys are still boys at heart and enjoy their toys and games. You have to keep your emotions in-check at all times. Be alert and be on your guard. I hate having to write this but I've seen far too many friends of mine and 'girlfriends' of my male mates get badly hurt.

PS: I haven't been hurt by a guy before. I'm just sharing my observations from watching what my male friends do.

Here's to no more casualties girls!


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