Saturday 7 April 2012

Gramatical Erors (thought I'd be clever there)

I'm a stickler for grammar. I am in love with grammatical correctness. It makes my day when I read an article - electronic or hardcopy - that is free of comma splices, split infinitives, malaproprisms and the like. I also happen to go gaga over a guy that is incredibly articulate and is able to tranpose that eloquence in a Facebook status, an e-mail, a bbm or any other kind of social or internet-related medium.

Well, now that I've started every sentence of that short paragraph with the word 'I', I'll get onto more important matters. Me, that is. Haha! Could not resist doing that. But yes, I've started to notice that I am succumbing to the same errors as most mere mortals. Grammatical errors that is. I don't mean to be condescending but truth is, most people do not pay heed to grammar the way that I do. Often, they do not even bother to know the difference between you're and your. A mistake or an arrogance rather that is most commonly displayed on Twitter. Then there's the death of the full-stop or period and its replacement with the comma. Something that I find, is akin to the replacement of characters in soapies: bizarre, random and unexplained. I have zero idea why people find it sexy to use commas all over the place. It looks so clumsy and more importantly, reads foolishly in speech because it is not possible to take so many breaths when uttering something. It would sound like one is being suffocated by a polar bear.

I don't want to rant on because by my own admission, I'm already sounding like a pretentious prat. What I really wanted to rant on about was MY errors on this blog. I've noticed that I'm making so many grammatical mistakes which really does not sit well with me because like it or not, most people see grammar as a reflection of intelligence. And if this blog is anything to go by, I am an INCREDULOUS IMBECILE (bet you that didn't even make sense). Moreover, I'm so guilty of pretentiousness in my pathetic desire to sound eloquent. I'm sometimes ashamed of the crap that I've written on this blog. I know that we're human and in my case, I'm all too human in that I get tired from working and do not bother with spell-check but it's still unacceptable. On Twitter, I'm the first to grill the wannabe-hippies and hipsters over their grammar and general ignorance when they attempt (bless them) to tweet about something other than vintage clothing and Bon Iver. It's wrong and I'm genuinely sorry. The dig at the hippies and hipsters might have detracted from the sincerity of my apology but I apologise for my laziness.

So from now on, I will do what I normally do but at thrice the ferocity. I will spell-check and google words and phrases of which I am unsure. I will stay away from malaproprisms and sinful syntax. I will try my utmost best not to sound too pretentious because I hate that in people. I'm just going to try to do better than good enough.

Peace and love and all the good things that will always elude humanity :)

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