Monday 23 April 2012


I'm starting to have this overwhelming sense of guilt about my blog. Hence the reason why I haven't been blogging of late. I just don't understand why I need to impose my opinions and at times, my bullshit on others? Why should my opinion count? And the more and more I write, the more I feel that I am morphing or perhaps have already morphed into a stereotypical pseudo-intellectual. Someone of a VERY average intelligence who enjoys engaging in supposedly philosophical topics or 'deep' matters in order to feel superior over the common or straw man. I certainly don't mean to be one and perhaps I'm revealing a lot of my insecurities by writing about this. But I would hate to think that I am not genuinely interested in things that I have put up on this blogor attempt to feel superior to other people. I always strive to know more and to question the status quo because I enjoy challenging things and expanding my knowledge. I don't have the answers and if I do offer an opinion on something, it's because I feel quite strongly about it and you DO have to have your own opinion generally. But I don't know. I'm losing my way. It's sad. Perhaps I need to care less. I don't know.

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