Wednesday 16 May 2012


I've come to the end of my time here and I can't help but feel reflective. I tend to do this quite a bit. I look back on a period with great nostalgia and at times, complete embarrassment! I feel a lot older, wiser and a bit more self-assured. It's very stereotypical and to be honest, my sudden desire to unleash my personal experiences and life could be blamed on the fact that I watched three episodes of 'Glee' in a row! But this whole self-reflection thing is quite expected considering that I upped and left my country and settled into a new one. I'm hoping for an easier time in the next couple of months. I've spent far too much time fighting for my happiness and sanity. It would be nice not to think and to just unwind for a while. Hopefully, I'll get some writing in. A few jottings about my time here and so on. I got me a job so I get to feel all empowered and shit! I'm feeling more positive about my life and this time around, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Usually, I do not vocalise my positive sentiments in the fear that things won't turn out the way I want them to and I'll end up feeling stupid for having a smithering hope. But I'm too old for that. Time is of the essence and I'm going to live my life like it matters.

I'm currently writing exams but I'm determined to blog my brains out after they're done. And perhaps in the process of my exams, because of stress and all that.

Danke :)

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