Monday 12 March 2012

It's quite an arrogant thing, a blog?

This is probably the umpteenth blog I've had and unlike the others which have probably been shut down due to inactivity, I plan to be a very diligent and active with my blogging. The key word in that sentence being 'plan' because goodness knows whether I can keep this up! But I realised that the reason why I neglected those blogs of mine was yes, in part due to laziness, but I genuinely find the idea of having a blog quite haughty. Just the presumptuous belief that people should be interested in what I have to say bothers me. I just feel that one has to have done something remarkable with one's life in order for others to take time out of their busy lives to listen and absorb. Especially considering the vast number of bollocks blogs out there. Why should I neglect my life to read yet another blog about an aspiring fashionista who has been hurt by a boy and now blogs about clothes, life and vibrators for her sanity? C'maaaaaaan! Anyway, that's my rather concise first post. Apologies if there are grammatical errors. I don't plan to make many of them. I just have to run to class! Au revoir! Bisous!

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