Tuesday 13 March 2012

All this degree marlakey...is it worth it?

Morning fellow bloggers!

I am ridiculously tired. I feel as though I haven't slept in a day or 20 and I blame this on my pursuit of a degree. Yesterday, while trying to sift through pages of Law journals and case law, I asked myself, as I usually do at 02h00 completing a Law tutorial, 'why on earth am I studying Law? Do I even enjoy it?' And the truth is I don't. Well, ploughing through an abundance of readings that is. And to be fair, no one does. Even the most diligent and keen of Law students or anyone else in the field of Humanities for that matter, will tell you that readings will be the death of them. Understandibly so.

I will admit to enjoying the content in my courses. The cases are compelling and although the judges' dictas are unnecessarily long-winded and flowery, you've got to admire their ability to deliver justifiable and well-thought out verdicts time and time again. Also,l the fact that I am able to attend university is a blessing in itself and I do not take it for granted in the slightest. In some countries, university is an option; something which people do for the 'fun of it'. However, I'm from a country where it is a privilege and you go out of your way not to cock-up your chances of getting a degree. So bearing that in mind, I will go to my tutorial with a sense of gratefulness that I am able to better my life in some way and I have an opportunity very few people on this planet receive. Perhaps I will even throw in a smile there too. Na, I doubt it. I'm too bloody knackered for that s&*t.


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